Peace is Sensational
Peace is a concrete set of tools that we commit to doing when we are faced with the challenges of conflict. All of us engage with the world through our five senses; we can use our connections with those five senses as a way of grounding ourselves in our values and our faith as we love our enemies. Let’s commit together to make enemy loving sensational!
Sight: Look deeply and focus on one good thing or reflection of the image of God in the person or group you are engaging with. Let that centre the way you engage with respect and love.
Hearing: Listen deeply, for both the words that someone is saying and the deeper meaning they may be sharing. Reflect back what you are hearing and check for understanding as you go, considering your own biases.
Touch: Feel your feet touching the floor and allow yourself to be grounded in the embrace of God. Remember that you are loved beyond measure.
Smell: Pause and breath deeply. Let God’s creation fill you with wonder and joy and take the time you need to be replenished. What would happen if you didn’t take yourself or the situation quite so seriously?
Taste: Get curious and prepare to experience something new as you move out of your comfort zone. Taste and see that the Lord is good, even and especially in the midst of conflict.
And of course, don’t forget about our sixth sense, the Holy Spirit, ready to comfort and guide us on the journey as we reach out in prayer!
You can use this a reminder in times of challenges to ground yourself in your senses or incorporate it into a daily prayer practice.