Peace is More Than a Wish
At MCC, every month, join me on a learning journey where I share what I’m learning about topics related to peacebuilding from MCC staff and partners. I am the co-director of MCC Canada’s Peace & Justice Office. Through my work, I have witnessed ordinary people from all over the world build peace rooted in faith, fail at building peace, start again, learn from and laugh with one another. We can do this too, right here at home, starting slow and small.
Previous Work
A journey of bold listening, A Common Place
Faith and Belonging, Convivum Magazine
Accompany Reparations in Colombia - a chapter of the book: “The Practice of International Development”
Peace is more than a wish when women talk, MB Herald
In search of mercy, Anabaptist World
Advocacy Works: Advocacy as a Spiritual Practice, Do justice.
Pro-Life series: Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America, Do justice.
The Prophetic Call of the Church in Colombia, Do justice.
Boko Haram, Women, and War, Do justice.
Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia, Do justice.
Infrastructure for Peace, Do justice.
Action for Jorge and Ricardo, Do justice.